Council of Gawnfall

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Welcome to another specific page guide, this time dedicated to the most complex political section of the whole game. It deals with the Church crisis that it had been brewing since the end of the Third Arclent War. SL intends to give the player a true choice with three different scenarios: a reformed Church, a schism and a new religion. All of them will imply compromises and drawbacks, so no scenario is perfect.

You can visit these forum threads for an Excel spreadsheet or HTML/Javascript calculator that covers this section.

Variables[edit | edit source]

You need to have reached various thresholds to get the optimal effect from various political actions. That doesn't mean that you can't get the best possible results in all cases, though.

Simon stats:

  • Economy100: you can't check this one directly in-game, but if you were able to trigger Iris + Megail second scene you have at least 75 points.
  • Social40: if you were able to get the best result in the Feroholm merchant camp dispute prior to the start of this section of the game, you already have it.
  • Religion40: there is no way to check this stat in-game before starting this section.

Affection values:

Arclent Acceptance: you want ≥ 50

IKD Morale: you want ≤ 20

Investments (There are many investments that increase Simon stats, but here we will only mention those which have an additional effect.):

  • Succubus Band Tour
  • Lustlord Statues
  • Lustlord Temples Expansion
  • Ivalan Bank
  • Ardford's sanitation mage guild
  • Givini tunnels

Country scores:


  • Relationship between Sexual and Purity magic (Starting but not completing has a lesser effect than completing the research)
  • Orc Diversification (Must be completed)
  • Unpeople Transformation (Must be completed)

Optional characters:


Outputs[edit | edit source]

These are the variables tracking your performance at the synod. All of them start at a base value of zero unless noted otherwise.

  • Scores for each high priestess (other than Sarai): Annah, Bertricia, Esmera, Hester, Kerannii, Nabith.
    • the final value of Annah Score (target ≥7) will be relevant later in the Return to Stineford.
  • Scores for other senior Church figures: Yelarel, Herin, and Kaskia.
  • Sarai's Influence, as a consumable resource. It starts high and you want to run it out to zero with her last action at the Council.
    • You may be able to get Sarai's purity restrictions lifted so that she can join the harem.
    • You may have the option to voluntarily continue Sarai's restrictions, which has immediate effects and also some later ones: she will not count as a harem member during the Erosian War, but has some better leverage during the Return to Stineford.
  • Motion Scores for most issues, as a value you want to build as high or low as possible.
  • Specific pro/anti vote totals for certain issues, where majority wins.
  • The Ivalan Acceptance variable will be created and have continuing consequences later on.
  • In the "Minor Issues" phase, you can regain permission to travel to Ardford.
  • In the "Minor Issues" phase, you can gain permission to travel to restricted areas of the Sylvan Regions, including the Potion Hermit if you need Gray Lotus.
  • You want to build Yarra Frustration, despite the negative-sounding name, as high as possible so she blows out all the stops for the post-Council orgy.

Initial meetings (Day 0)[edit | edit source]

Once you arrive to Gawnfall, your first task is to speak with Sarai, after an interesting cutscene. Later, it's time to meet the other High Priestess and other relevant characters. Your goal is to increase your influence with them, but the process is not that straightforward, as you will see.

First go to the building in the upper right, where you will find Sarai, Hester, Annah, Nabith and Bertricia. Talk to each of them.

  • Hester: High Priestess of Ardford, who you will remember from the Ardford Summit. You have to make a relevant choice. Each path activates a different switch, which has effects at the Council but also later in the Incubus War Aftermath:
Decision Hester
Switch set ON Later effects during
Incubus War aftermath
Help the church[1] +1 -
Refuse to answer - Hester Refuse -2 Ardan Influence
Choose acceptance - Hester Acceptance[2] No effect
Choose avoid excommunication +1 Hester Excommunication -1 Ardan Influence
Choose shape the world +3 Hester Shape World -3 Ardan Influence
  • Annah: High Priestess of Stineford. We haven't met her yet, but have heard a lot about her anti-prostitution campaign. She will be a hostile force no matter what you do, but you can (and to some extent, need) to soften her. Her score is only modified at this point by past actions and/or Simon's Religion score:
Condition Annah
Religion score 25 +2
20-24 +1
15-19 -
10-14 -1
9 -2
Actions in Stineford (chapter 1) Lucy rescued & Slavers dealt with +2
Slavers dealt with +1
Other combinations -
  • Bertricia: The High Priestess of the elven regions. She is a useful ally, especially if you have done her sidequest.[3]
Actions Bertricia
Default +1
Presence of Altina +1
Bertricia sidequest done[3] +2
  • Nabith: The new High Priestess of Yhilin after Andra, who in comparison to her predecessor, is much more accepting of succubi.
Condition Nabith
Disturbance priority Church[1] +2
Religion score 25 +3
20-24 +2
15-19 +1
14 -

Head to the guest quarters, in the upper left building. When you enter, you are confronted by the before unseen Aramite High Priestesses.

Interact with the spark in the guest building to set up Yarra and Carina in their rooms. Talk to Carina to see a projection tracking your influence with each of the high priestesses. (In this chapter, you're actually able to see the values of various scores explicitly.) Talk to Yarra when you're ready to end the day -- not yet.

Also present in the guest quarters is Yelarel (representing the Ivalan succubi), Melymyn (representing the Mother), Elleani, and Vera (the Goddess of Magic's cult leader).

  • Yelarel: The representative of Ivalan succubi, she hopes to gain both general religious acceptance of succubi, and have Ivalan succubi be accepted into the ranks of the Church.
Actions Yelarel
Skull Throne unlocked[4] +2
Funded Lustlord statues
and ...
Lustlord Temples expansion +2
no expansion +1

Go back to the High Priestesses' building, where you will find Esmera and Kerannii in their rooms. (Note they are as far apart as possible.) It is better to talk to Esmera first.

  • Esmera: Esmera is the other High Priestess of Aram. She seems to be a very pragmatic individual and values economic power, and has a strong dislike of Kerannii. You can make a deal with her here on the Unification vote to have Simon propose an Alternate form of unity, but also making a deal with Kerannii later will have negative consequences in the long run. (You can negotiate the conference reasonably well having made a deal with either of them, but depending on your starting point Esmera may be slightly easier to work with now. Kerannii is slightly better to have as an ally later at Eustrin final negotiations.)
Condition Esmera
Inquisition withdraw ON[5] +2
Aram score ≥ 15 +3
10-14 +2
5-9 +1
≤ 4 -
Economy score 100 +2
75-95 +1
50-74 -
49 -1
Farnan Control ≥ 5 +1
  • Kerannii: One of the two High Priestesses of Aram, who shares a mutual dislike with her counterpart. She seems to be an idealist and true believer, and somewhat inflexible. She won't talk much right now, but you will have the opportunity to make a deal with her at the end of Day 1. Beware that trying to make deals with both of the Aramite priestesses will not work out well.
Talk with Esmera
before Kerannii -1
after Kerannii -2

You can also visit the second guest's lodge in the south-west corner now and talk to everyone there, but no rush, the only one who will have any influence before Day 4 is Jhenno, and he won't talk to you now.

After you have finished talking to everyone, rest with Yarra to end Day 1.

Day 1[edit | edit source]

You are given the option to visit Ardford in the morning while the priestesses are busy with priestess stuff. You can do this any day, but it's good to get it out of the way as soon as possible.

Visit Ardford[edit | edit source]

There are three things to be done in Ardford:

  • Talk to the orange-headed wanna-be hero, in the Silver Stump, about possibly recruiting him. Talking to the lady at the front desk also raises the "Yarra Frustration" variable by 1.
  • The Ardford Restaurant in the Business District (you have the option to invest on it during the summit) has some issues. They cannot be solved for now, but you will have the chance to help it later.
  • If you funded the Succubus Band Tour in Helvanna then when you find them in the Sx defenses building you can move them to Gawnfall to perform there. This will affect Nabith's score later.

Pre-vote politicking[edit | edit source]

After you have returned from Ardford it's time to learn what happened with the preliminary deliberations at the Council. After the conversation with Sarai, you can check how much influence she wields:

Condition Sarai's influence
Sarai's request[6] ON -2
relationship points
≥ 75 +7
50-74 +6
≤ 49 +5
Religion score 25 +8
20-24 +6
15-19 +4
10-14 +2
9 -2
Arclent Acceptance ≥ 50 +4
40-49 +3
30-39 +2
20-29 +1
10-19 -
≤ 9 -2
Social score 40 +2
30-39 +1
20-29 -
19 -1
Economy score 75 +1

So the maximum score that you can get is 22. You have spend it across the whole Council, though. If your score here is below 1, you will still receive 1 influence as that is the minimum allowed.

Be aware that the last day of the council is the so-called "Minor Issues" phase. These issues are "minor" only from the Church's perspective - there will be many topics that you care about among those issues, and depending how things have gone in the first six days you might have use for as many as 24 Influence points to spend among them (though if things have gone well you may only want 18 or so). Point being, when you have a chance to gain an influence point by having Simon decline to speak, it's valuable.

You also have to speak with Kerannii in the memorial chamber of the main council building. Her score will vary depending on different things:

Condition Kerannii score
Yelarel score ≥ 3 +1
Aram score ≥ 16 +4
12-15 +3
8-11 +2
4-7 +1
≤ 3 -
with Orcent ...
in the Leaky Bucket (Ramasta) +2
and Kara[7] +3
Refuse an agreement +1

Also in the secondary quarters you can find Ignias, Tyna's friend and Ardan succession candidate, Jhenno the religious Ardan succession candidate, as well as Herin, a cheerful, newly promoted Sanctified Priestess, and Kaskia, a prominent Sanctified Priestess and "career priestess" who seeks the opportunity the council provides to advance further in the Church hierarchy.

Day 2[edit | edit source]

The second day of the council has three issues that will be brought before the synod to vote upon: the excommunication of the three new nations, the unification of the Church, and what views to take of the succubi as a race. Of these three votes, Excommunication and Unification are potential Game Overs if you fail to correctly use your resources. The Succubi vote merely has a worst case scenario result.

Before the votes start you have the ability to make Sarai Go all in (which costs -3 Influence), normally support the motions, or possibly do a third option (which also costs Influence).

During the votes you also have the ability to use Sarai's Influence to call upon speakers (costing variable amounts of Influence), and have Simon speak (if Simon speaks it costs -1 Influence and if he doesn't speak you gain +1 Influence).

You can talk with Yarra for +1 Yarra Frustration.

Before any vote today you can find Jhenno, one of the former potential heirs of the King, in the upper right room of the council chamber building. If you chose to co-operate on religious matters then you can choose for him to give his support on one of the first three votes or give more general support to Sarai.

Choice Effects
Excommunication +2 Motion Score
Unification -2 Motion Score
Succubi +2 Motion Score
Increase support +2 Sarai Influence, +1 Hester score

Excommunication vote[edit | edit source]

The first vote of Day 2 is the Excommunication vote. Before the vote starts you can talk with Sarai to have her Go all in or just give normal support.

Your starting score for the Excommunication vote is 1 and you want it to go up.

Motion Score in the excommunication vote
Speaker Influence score / condition Motion Score Other effect
Bertricia ≥ 2 +2 -
≤ 1 +1 -
Esmera Esmera Deal ON +2 -
Esmera Deal OFF - -
Kerannii Kerannii Deal ON +2 -
Kerannii Deal OFF - -
Nabith Default +1 -
Sarai Go all in +3 -3 Sarai Influence
Normal +1 -
Elleani Elleani - Trin Convo ON[8] +2 -
Elleani - Trin Convo OFF - -5 Elleani [9]
Elleani Deceived ON[10] -1 -
Simon Common good +1 -
Church unity +1 +1 Nabith score
Convince Annah - Yelarel Offended ON, +2 Annah score, -1 Yelarel score[11]
Carina[12] Slavers + Lucy +3 -2 Annah score
Jhenno support Asked for Jhenno's help +2 -

The result determines the consequences and is indicated by Hester's summary:

Motion Score Result Hester comment
≥ 12 +1 Sarai Influence, +2 Carina "our collective opinion was rather clear..."
10-11 - "our collective opinion was rather clear..."
6-9 -2 Religion, -2 Chalice States, -1 New Givini, -2 Tak'kan "the synod has ruled to mildly chastise the new nations..."
≤ 5 Game Over "After much argument and discussion, ..."

If your Motion Score is ≥ 12, you have the chance to take an additional action regarding Annah:

  • Olive branch: +1 Annah score, +2 Iris
  • Undermine Annah: -1 Annah score, +1 Sarai Influence, +2 Orilise

Unification vote[edit | edit source]

The second vote of Day 2 is the Unification vote. Before the vote starts you can talk with Sarai to have her Go all in, Focus on Nabith or just give normal support.

Your starting score for the Unification vote is 2 and you want it to go down.

Motion Score in the unification vote
Speaker Influence score / condition Motion Score Other effect
Sarai Go all in -4 -3 Sarai Influence
Try to influence Nabith -2 Nabith Target 1 ON, -2 Sarai Influence
Normal -1 -
Simon[13] Alternate form of Unity + Esmera Deal ON -1 Esmera Kept Deal ON, -1 Kerannii Score, +2 Esmera Score
Alternate form of Unity +1 -
Ivala's Will - +1 Kerannii Score, Kerannii Target ON
Church Leadership - +1 Annah score, Annah Target ON
Church Identity - +1 Nabith score, Nabith Target 2 ON
Aramite High Priestesses Esmera Deal ON, Kerannii Deal ON -2 -2 Esmera Score, -2 Kerannii Score, Double Deal ON
Esmera Deal ON, Kerannii Deal OFF +1 +1 Esmera Score
Esmera Deal OFF, Kerannii Deal ON +1 -
Esmera Deal OFF, Kerannii Deal OFF +3 -
Jhenno Asked for Jhenno's help -2 -
Order of Silence ≥ 75 -3 -
10-74 -1 -
≤ 9 - -
Annah Annah Target ON -2 -
Annah Target OFF +1 -
Esmera Double Deal ON +1 -
Esmera Deal ON -2 -
Esmera Deal OFF +1 -
Kerannii Kerannii Target ON + Kerannii Deal ON -1 +1 Kerannii Score
Kerannii Target ON - -
Kerannii Target OFF +1 -
Nabith Nabith Target 1/2 ON -1 -
Nabith Target 1&2 OFF +1 -

Again, the result determines the consequences and is hinted at by Hester.

Motion Score Result Hester comment
≥ 4 Game Over "We have heard Ivala's voice call for unity..."
1-3 -3 Sarai Influence, -2 Hester Score, -3 Annah score, -2 Nabith score, -1 Bertricia score "After an intense debate, we have agreed ..."
0 -1 Sarai Influence, -1 Hester Score, -2 Annah score, -1 Nabith score "The debate was quite fierce, but in the end we agree ..."
(-2)-(-1) -1 Annah score "In the end, we mostly agreed ..."
(-4)-(-3) - "In the end, we all agreed ..."
≤ -5 +2 Sarai Influence, +1 Annah score, +1 Nabith score "We overwhelmingly agreed ..."

If the Motion Score result is ≥ 4 then a fail-safe will trigger, and Sarai will give you a chance to reduce the Motion Score by 5, but at the cost of a large amount of hidden stats (-5 Sarai Influence, -5 Religion, -3 Social,-2 Economy, and -2 Arclent Acceptance) to avoid the Game Over. Notice that it's possible to still get a Game Over even with this fail-safe, if you made the very worst choices in the vote.

Toleration of Succubi vote[edit | edit source]

The third and last vote of Day 2 is the Succubi vote, on the general issue of whether succubi can be tolerated as neighbors and citizens, or shunned as foul monsters. Before the vote starts you can talk with Sarai to have her Go all in or just give normal support.

You can Talk with Yelarel (+1 Yelarel score). If in the first vote you had Simon Convince Annah, the succubus will ask why you offended her, there are three dialogue options:

  • Explain reasoning (-1 Yelarel score),
  • Pure rhetoric (no change),
  • Soften Annah (+1 Yelarel score).

If the Yhilin Final state is triggered, Yelarel wants to bring the ex-High Priestess Andra to address the synod, there is an option to encourage (+1 Yelarel score) or discourage this action (no change).

You can talk with Wynn for another increase of the "Yarra Frustration" variable by 1.

Your starting score for the Succubi vote is 0 and you want it to go up.

Motion Score in the succubi vote
Speaker Influence score / condition Motion Score Other effect
Yelarel ≥ 5 +4 -
3-4 +3 -
≤ 2 +2 -
Iris' statement -2 Influence +3 +3 Iris if allowed, -2 Iris otherwise[14]
Elleani RP ≥ 90 +5 -
RP 80-89 +4 -
RP 70-79 +3 -
RP 60-69 +2 -
RP ≤ 59 +1 -
Elleani Deceived ON -1 -
Yhilin Final Achieved Allow Andra -2 -
Dissuade Andra - +1 Yelarel score
Simon Nabith +1 +1 Nabith score, Nabith Appeal ON
Esmera +1 +1 Esmera Score
Kerannii +1 +2 Kerannii Score
Annah +1 +1 Annah score, Annah Appeal ON
Jhenno Asked for Jhenno's help +2 -
Hester Hester Acceptance ON +1 -
Annah Annah Appeal ON + Score ≥ 3 - -
Annah Appeal ON + Score ≤ 2 -2 -
Annah Appeal OFF + Score ≥ 5 -1 -
Annah Appeal OFF + Score ≤ 4 -3 -
Sarai Go all in +2 -3 Sarai Influence
RP ≥ 75 +2 -
RP ≤ 74 +1 -
Bertricia her quest done +3 -
her quest not done +1 -
Arclent Acceptance ≥ 45 +2 -
30-44 +1 -
15-29 - -
≤ 14 -1 -
Esmera Esmera Deal ON +2 -
Nabith Nabith Appeal ON +2 -

The vote's result and consequences and summary are as follows:

Motion Score Result Hester comment
≥ 24 Summit Accepted ON, Summit Tolerate ON, +5 Yelarel score, +4 Yarra, +4 Qum, +4 Nalili, +4 Dari, +5 Riala, +8 Iris, +5 Carina, +5 Sarai, +2 Vhala, +8 Elleani " reason for them to be viewed differently from any other race. Furthermore, we recommit to our relationship..."
20-23 Summit Tolerate ON, +3 Yelarel score, Yarra +3, Qum +3, Nalili +3, Dari +3, Riala +4, Iris +6, Carina +4, Sarai +4, Vhala +1, Elleani +6 " reason for them to be viewed differently from any other race."
15-19 Summit Tolerate ON, +2 Yelarel score, Yarra +2, Qum +2, Nalili +2, Dari +2, Riala +3, Iris +5, Carina +3, Sarai +3, Vhala +1, Elleani +5 "...They are to be treated the same as any other race."
10-14 Summit Tolerate ON, +1 Yelarel score, Yarra +1, Qum +1, Nalili +1, Dari +1, Riala +1, Iris +2, Carina +1, Sarai +1, Elleani +2 "...They are to be treated no worse than any other race."
5-9 Summit Chastise ON "Though we must chastise many succubus practices..."
≤ 4 Summit Chastise ON "Though we must seriously chastise many succubus practices..."

After Day 2 vote[edit | edit source]

After the first three votes you can talk with some people:

  • You can talk with Yelarel and hear about her plans (+1 Yelarel score by default and +1 more if the result of the previous vote was Summit Accepted ON). Supporting her pushing toward moderate reforms grants +2 Yelarel score[15], while getting her to limit to light reforms gives -2 Yelarel score).
  • Talking with Sarai after making plans with Yelarel sets Sarai - Yelarel ON and grants +3 Sarai.
  • Talking with Kerannii can trigger her 'frozen' status if you agreed to both Esmera's and Kerannii's deals. If you agreed to only Kerannii's deal, get +1 Kerannii Score, or +2 Kerannii score for not striking a deal with Kerannii. (Kerannii respects honesty.)
  • Talking with Esmera after keeping the deal with her has no mechanical effects.
  • In the north-east corner of the map, Hester can be found near a barrel. Carina will talk with the High Priestess, granting some Hester Score based on Carina RP (+2 Hester Score if RP ≥ 90; +1 Hester Score if RP 70-89; no changeif RP ≤ 69).

If you got the succubus band to come play, they're in the little pub building.

Day 3[edit | edit source]

In this day there is the pivotal vote for the Ivalan Succubi, and based on that vote there are three possible scenarios, the first is a reformed Ivalan Church that accepts the presence of succubi among the clergy, the second is a more fractured church that lets some High Priestesses accept succubi, but let others take harsher stances against them, and in the last scenario the succubi will be pushed out of the Church and they will build a new religion following their own beliefs.

Ivalan succubi vote[edit | edit source]

Now we advance to the more specific issue of whether succubi can be accepted as devout Ivalans, or if their sexual nature means they must always be held at a distance.

In this vote there isn't a score to build up, but you need the vote of each High Priestess for your target choice, let the Church accept the succubi or refuse them, if four votes cannot be gathered for the acceptance scenario the vote will default to rejecting them.

Motion Score of the Ivalan succubi vote
Speaker Influence score / condition Effect
Yelarel Reform suggested light +1 Bertricia score, +1 Annah score, +2 Nabith score
moderate +1 Nabith score
neither light nor moderate -1 Nabith score, -1 Annah score
Orc Priest Orc Diversification Done +1 Hester Score
Orcent Allowed[16] Default +1 Bertricia score, +1 Kerannii Score, +1 Arclent Acceptance, +1 Yarra Frustration
# Bar Convos ≥ 10 +1 Nabith score, +1 Esmera Score
5-9 +1 Esmera Score
≤ 4 -
Simon Succubi +2 Yelarel score
Nabith +3 Nabith score, -1 Bertricia score, Bertricia Hinder ON
Kerannii +3 Kerannii Score, +1 Yelarel score, Esmera Override ON[17]
Annah +3 Annah score, -1 Yelarel score, -1 Bertricia score, Bertricia Hinder ON, Kerannii Override ON

Any High Priestess you don't talk to during the break will vote to reject the Ivalan Succubi, but you can try to convince them to accept the succubi instead:

  • Talk with Sarai to choose between Accept or Reject.
  • Hester will vote against the succubi, but will offer to change her vote by burning all current influence with her (Hester Score is set to 0 if Hester Acceptance OFF, otherwise -3 Hester Score).[18] You have to decide the first time you speak to her.
  • Kerannii will vote to accept succubi as long as Yelarel was proposing light reform, Sarai Yelarel ON, and Kerannii Override OFF.
  • Nabith votes to accept succubi if her score ≥ 3 and Yelarel was proposing light reform. With moderate reform, she votes yes with a score ≥ 5, or with a score of ≥ 3 and the succubus band having been relocated to Gawnfall.
  • Bertricia will vote to accept the succubi if light reform is proposed. If moderate reform was proposed, then as long as Bertricia Hinder OFF and Orcent was allowed to talk with the synod, she will ask for Simon's advice the first time he speaks to her.
  • Esmera will accept Simon's advice on voting if you've kept the deal with her and Yelarel proposed light reform. With moderate reform, Esmera requires a score ≥ 8 in addition to the deal.
  • Annah will not change her mind, and will always reject the succubi.
  • If Qum is RP Maxed and Vhala RP >= 10: Talk with Qum near the Stone Tablets to upgrade her Healing Kiss, allowing her to heal Vhala. This will shortly be helpful for the Purity Standards vote.

With four votes in favor, the succubi are Accepted (+1 Yelarel score), beginning the "Succubi Join" scenario. Otherwise they will be Rejected (-1 Yelarel score), moving to the "Succubi Rejected" scenario.

Succubi join[edit | edit source]

Before the vote you can talk with Sarai to have her Go all in or just give normal support.

Your starting score for the vote is 0 and you want it to go up.

Motion Score in the "Succubi Join" scenario
Speaker Condition Motion Score Other effect
Research ...
completed +5 Riala +3 and -2 Influence if you let her speak,
otherwise Riala -2[19][20]
started +3
Simon Hester +2 +1 Hester Score
Nabith +2 +2 Nabith score
Annah with Riala's statement +2 +2 Annah score, +1 Yelarel score
without Riala's statement +2 +1 Annah score, -1 Yelarel score
Bertricia +2 +2 Bertricia score
Investments Ivalan Bank +2 -
Lustlord Temple Expansion +1 -
≥ 50 +2 -
25-49 +1 -
≤ 24 - -
Sarai Go all in +2 -
RP ≥ 75 +2 -
≤ 74 +1 -
Annah Score ≥ 2 +1 -
0-1 - -
≤ -1 -1 -
Nabith Score ≥ 8 +2 -
4-7 +1 -
≤ 3 - -
Esmera Score ≥ 10 +2 -
5-9 +1 -
≤ 4 - -
Bertricia Score ≥ 3 +2 -
≤ 2 +1 -
Kerannii Score ≥ 10 +2 -
5-9 +1 -
≤ 4 - -
Hester Score ≥ 2 +1 -
≤ 1 -1 -

The result determines the starting value of a new hidden stat, Ivalan Acceptance, among other consequences:

Motion Score Result Hester says
≥ 22 Ivalan Acceptance +5, Succubi Accepted ON, +3 Religion, Arclent Acceptance +2, Sarai Influence +2 "On top of that, we will adopt a generally open-minded view of new proposals they bring forth."
19-21 Ivalan Acceptance +4, Succubi Accepted ON, +2 Religion, Arclent Acceptance +1, Sarai Influence +1 "We will consider further requests on a case-by-case basis."
16-18 Ivalan Acceptance +3, Succubi Accepted ON, +1 Religion "That does not mean they gain everything they ask, however. We will consider further requests carefully."
13-15 Ivalan Acceptance +2, Succubi Suppressed ON, Arclent Acceptance -1 "However, we will keep an open mind regarding other proposals they may bring."
10-12 Ivalan Acceptance +1, Succubi Suppressed ON, Arclent Acceptance -2 "The level of that suppression has yet to be determined, however, and can be flexible."
5-9 Ivalan Acceptance -1, Succubi Suppressed ON, Arclent Acceptance -3 "Provided that they accept those terms, we can consider proposals on other issues."
≤ 4 Ivalan Acceptance -2, Succubi Suppressed ON, Arclent Acceptance -4 "Furthermore, we will reject further proposals on the subject. They must prove themselves first."

The RP gains are based on the Switch triggered.

Switch ON RP changes
Succubi Accepted Aka +5, Yarra +2, Qum +5, Robin +1, Hilstara +5, Janine +3, Carina +3, Sarai +5, Esthera +2, Nalili +2, Vhala +1, Dari +5, Uyae +5, Wynn +3, Elleani +5, Riala +2, Iris +2, Fheliel +5, Varia (reshaped) +5, Altina (Saner) +5, Altina (Cockwhore) +2, Entity Cohesion[21] +2
Succubi Suppressed Trin +5, Janine -3, Elleani -5, Iris -5, Riala -5

Succubi rejected[edit | edit source]

Like the Ivalan Succubi vote you need to gather enough votes (4 or more) toward a direction: dividing the church or letting the succubi build a new religion, but in this case if either of the two propositions don't reach the majority, it's a Game Over.

Speaker/Investments Influence score / condition Effect
Lustlord Temple Expansion Funded Annah Abstain OFF
Not funded Annah Abstain ON
Simon Hester +1 Hester Score
Annah +2 Annah score, -1 Yelarel score
Nabith +2 Nabith score
Bertricia +2 Bertricia score

In the break you must gather the necessary votes:

  • Hester will always vote for letting the succubi build a new religion.
  • Sarai: With an RP score ≥ 80 she will listen to your advice, otherwise she will vote for dividing the Church.
  • Annah:
    • With Annah Abstain OFF and an Annah score ≥ 1 will hear your opinion or with a score of 0 you can persuade her to vote for dividing the Church,
    • With Annah Abstain ON she will go for an abstention, in this case you can override her vote, by spending 3 Sarai Influence and decreasing Annah score by 9, in this case you can convince Annah to vote for a new religion.
  • Nabith:
    • With a Nabith score ≥ 8 you can persuade her to vote for either dividing the Church or a new religion,
    • with a lower score she will abstain, but in this case you can override her vote by spending 3 Sarai Influence and decreasing Nabith score by 2, overriding her lets her pick one of the two motions.
  • Bertricia:
    • With a Bertricia score ≥ 5 you can persuade her to vote for either dividing the Church or a new religion,
    • with a lower score she will abstain, but in this case you can override her vote by spending 3 Sarai influence and decreasing Bertricia score by 2, overriding her lets her pick one of the two motions.
  • Esmera:
    • With an Esmera score ≥ 0 and having kept her deal, or a score ≥ 1 without her deal, you can persuade her to vote for either dividing the church or a new religion,
    • she will abstain in any other case, but then you can override her vote by spending 3 Sarai influence and decreasing Esmera Score by 2, overriding her lets her pick one of the two motions and sets Esmera Deal 2 ON.
  • Kerannii can be persuaded toward one of the two motions if the Sex-Purity research was started or completed, but Kerannii's vote cannot be overridden.

A majority (4 votes) is required for either proposal, otherwise it is a Game Over.

Scenario RP changes
Church Diverge Aka +2, Qum +3, Hilstara +2, Megail +5, Janine +2, Carina +5, Sarai -2, Esthera +2, Lynine +5, Orilise +2, Wynn +5, Riala +5, Neranda +5, Varia (reshaped) +2, Altina (Saner) -5, Entity Cohesion[21] +1
New Religion Yarra +5, Hilstara +5, Megail +3, Trin +2, Janine +2, Esthera +5, Nalili +5, Dari +5, Lynine +2, Orilise +5, Wynn +2, Elleani +5, Riala +5, Iris +5, Neranda +2, Fheliel +5, Altina (Sluttier) +5, Carina -5[22], Entity Cohesion[21] +1, Yarra Frustration +1

Day 4[edit | edit source]

In this day there are three issues discussed, the Unpeople legion, the restoration of Tak'Kan's land, and the standards for purity the Church requires for its members.

Unpeople vote[edit | edit source]

In this vote the Church will decide the Unpeople's role, and the changes in the Unpeople legion's chain of command. Before the vote there are some people to talk to, Esmera and Kerannii can be interacted only if you make a deal with them.

In this vote there is a variable called 'Push' that tracks the effort Simon and his allies have made to stop the motion. If the succubi are Accepted, a Push score ≥ 3 sets Overreach ON, in contrast to this threshold being 4 if the succubi are Suppressed. If the church Diverged or the succubi have departed to form a New Religion, 'Push' will be ignored. If you spend influence to let Yelarel talk it's a Push +1 on top of everything else.

  • Talk with Sarai to have her Go all in or just give normal support.
  • Talk to Annah. If the succubi are forming a New Religion and Annah score is ≥ 5, you can nudge her a bit.
  • Talk with Yelarel:
    • If the succubi are Accepted or the church Diverged, she can speak,
    • otherwise she asks our aid to address the synod, -2 Influence and +1 Push. Vhala can advise Yelarel to take a light or strong approach, the former being the right choice.
  • If you have a deal with Esmera, you can talk with her. She wants new Unpeople created, in an institution she can command.
    • Agreeing with her does nothing.
    • Arguing for a softer position depends on the outcome of the unperson vote during the Ardford summit:
      • If the Ardford Summit New Unpeople motion was passed, then arguing for a softer position has no effect.
      • If the Ardford Summit New Unpeople motion was defeated, you can argue with her to go for a softer position Esmera Nudge ON.
    • Refusing her will always give +1 Vhala and set Esmera Refuse ON. Additionally:
      • If you asked her to override her vote to diverge the Church or the creation of a new religion (Esmera Deal 2 ON) she will be more bitter - this breaks the deal with her entirely setting Esmera Deal OFF and gives -3 Esmera Score.
      • Otherwise, she doesn't complain much, -1 Esmera Score.
  • If you have a deal with Kerannii, you can talk with her. You can bend to softer position (Kerannii Talk 2 ON), and if the Church is Diverging, you can nudge her a little more.
  • Talk with Yarra. If Dari has joined the harem it grants a Yarra Frustration point.

Your starting score for the vote is 0 and you want it to go down.

Motion Score of the Unpeople vote
Speaker Condition Motion Score Other effect
Vhala RP ≥ 10 -2 -
≤ 9 -1 +1 Push
Yelarel Approach strong - +1 Push, -1 Annah score
and ...
Succubi Accepted ON -3 -
any other case -1 -
Simon Argument Against new unpeople -1 +2 Push
For new unpeople +2 Esmera Speech ON, +1 Esmera Score
Care for the Unpeople - Care Argument ON, +1 Push
Stability of the Church - +2 Nabith score
Esmera Deal OFF Esmera Speach ON - -
Esmera Speach OFF - -1 Esmera Score
Esmera Deal ON Esmera Deal 2 ON Esmera Speach ON - +1 Esmera Score
Esmera Speach OFF & Esmera Refuse ON [23] - -
Esmera Speach OFF & Esmera Refuse OFF - Esmera Deal OFF, -5 Esmera Score
Esmera Deal 2 OFF Esmera Speach ON - -
Esmera Speach OFF & Esmera Refuse ON - -
Esmera Speach OFF & Esmera Refuse OFF & Esmera Nudge ON - -1 Esmera Score
Esmera Speach OFF & Esmera Refuse OFF & Esmera Nudge OFF - -2 Esmera Score
Unpeople research)
Unpeople transformation Research completed[24] no - +1 Push, -2 Influence
yes -2
Dari healed -3
joined the harem -5
Sarai Go all in -3 +1 Push
Normal -1 -
Esmera Unpeople Motion ... passed +3 -
and ...
Esmera Nudge ON +1
- +3
Kerannii Succubi Accepted ON and ... Overreach ON +1 -
Kerannii Talk 2 ON -2
- -1
Church Diverge ON and ... Kerannii nudged ON -3 -
- -1
Succubi Suppressed ON or
New Religion ON and ...
Kerannii Talk 2 ON -2 -
- -1
Bertricia Unpeople Motion ... passed
and ...
Care Argument ON -2 -
- +1
and ...
Overreach ON +1
- -1
Hester Succubi Accepted ON and ... Overreach ON +2 -
- -1
New Religion ON +1 -
Succubi Suppressed ON or
Church Diverge ON and ...
Overreach ON +1 -
- -1
Annah Succubi Accepted ON and ... Overreach ON +2 -
- -
Church Diverge ON - -
New Religon ON and ... Annah nudge ON - -
- +2
Succubi Suppressed ON +1 -
Nabith Succubi Accepted ON and ... Overreach ON +1 -
- -
Church Diverge ON and ... Overreach ON -1 -
- -2
Succubi Suppressed ON or
New Religion ON and ...
Care Argument ON -1 -
- -

The results depending on the Motion Score are:

Motion Score Result Hester comment
≥ 5 New Unpeople ON,[25] Aramite Forces ON, -2 Religion, Vhala -2, Dari -5, minor consequences during Eustrin final. "The Church will begin measures to increase the number of Unpeople in its service. Furthermore, the Aramite program will be expanded..."
≥ 1 New Unpeople ON,[25] -1 Religion, Vhala -1, Dari -2 "The Church will begin measures to increase the number of Unpeople in its service."
≥ -5 Vhala +1, Dari +2 "The Church will keep Unpeople as a key part of its forces, but make no moves to increase their numbers."
≤ -6 Unpeople Aid ON,[25] Vhala +2, Dari +5 "The Church will keep Unpeople as a key part of its forces and make no moves to increase their numbers. Furthermore, we recommit to support those Unpeople who have already served the Church."

Tak'Kan vote[edit | edit source]

The second vote of the day is a request from Grubbak in aid of the restoration of Tak'Kan's wasteland. It's the hardest vote of the synod, and in the case of the succubi being suppressed it's impossible to get the best threshold.

Talk with Sarai to have her Go all in or just give normal support. You can talk with Vhala concerning the results of the anterior vote or with Grubbak about his chances but neither conversation have any impact.

The motion starts at 0 and you want it to go up.

Motion Score of the Tak'Kan vote
Speaker/Investments Influence score / condition Motion score Other effect
Investments Givini Tunnels - +1 Hester Score
Sanitation Mages +3 -
Ignias Suitor Score ≥ 5 +4 -
4-3 +2
≤ 2 -
Simon Esmera +1 Esmera Argument ON[26], +2 Esmera Score
Kerannii Kerannii Argument ON[27], +2 Kerannii Score
Annah Annah Argument ON[28], +2 Annah score
Nabith Nabith Argument ON[29], +2 Nabith score
Sarai Go all in +3 Tak'Kan Sarai ON[30]
Normal +1 -
Kerannii Kerannii Argument ON Kerannii Deal ON Kerannii score ≥ 10 +5 -
Kerannii Deal OFF +3
Kerannii Deal ON ≤ 9 +2 -
Kerannii Deal OFF +1
Kerannii Argument OFF Kerannii Deal ON +1 -
Kerannii Deal OFF -
Annah Annah Argument ON Annah score ≥ 10 +2 -
≤ 9 -
Annah Argument OFF -1 -
Esmera Esmera Argument ON Esmera Deal ON +1 -
Esmera Deal OFF -2
Esmera Argument OFF Esmera Deal ON -1 -
Esmera Deal OFF -2
Bertricia Givini Tunnels Investment ... done +3 -
skipped +1
Nabith Nabith Argument ON Sanitation Mages Investment ... done +3 -
skipped +1
Nabith Argument OFF done +1
skipped -

The effects of the Motion Score depend on the scenario started.

Scenario Motion score Effect Comment
Succubi Accepted ≥ 12 Tak'Kan Major ON, Tak'Kan Minor ON, +5 Tak'Kan, +2 Chalice States, +1 New Givini, +2 Arclent Acceptance, +1 Religion, +2 Tertia "... We will significantly increase our support to Tak'Kan."
≥ 5 Tak'Kan Minor ON, +2 Tak'Kan, +1 Arclent Acceptance, +1 Tertia "... We will give a limited amount of support to Tak'Kan."
≤ 4 - "... We will give token support to Tak'Kan..."
Church Diverge ≥ 10 Tak'Kan Major ON, Tak'Kan Minor ON, +3 Tak'Kan, +2 Chalice States, +2 New Givini, +2 Arclent Acceptance, +1 Religion, +2 Tertia "... but we will overall plan on a large increase in support."
≥ 5 Tak'Kan Minor ON, +2 Tak'Kan, +1 Arclent Acceptance, +1 Tertia "... but we will overall plan on a small increase in support."
≤ 4 +1 Tak'Kan, +1 Arclent Acceptance[31] "... we can each choose whether or not to provide token support to Tak'Kan."
New Religion ≥ 13 Tak'Kan Major ON, Tak'Kan Minor ON, +3 Tak'Kan, +2 New Givini, +2 Arclent Acceptance, +1 Religion, +2 Tertia "... Despite our concerns about the new religion forming, we will increase the amount of support provided to Tak'Kan."
≥ 8 Tak'Kan Minor ON, +2 Tak'Kan, +1 Arclent Acceptance, +1 Tertia "... Given our concerns about the new religion forming, we will give only a limited amount of support to Tak'Kan."
≤ 7 -1 Tak'Kan "... We will give token support to Tak'Kan..."
Succubi Suppressed ≥ 15 Tak'Kan Major ON, Tak'Kan Minor ON, +5 Tak'Kan, +2 Chalice States, +1 New Givini, +2 Arclent Acceptance, +1 Religion, +2 Tertia "... We will significantly increase our support to Tak'Kan."
≥ 10 Tak'Kan Minor ON, +2 Tak'Kan, +1 Arclent Acceptance, +1 Tertia "... We will give a limited amount of support to Tak'Kan."
≤ 9 -1 Tak'Kan "... We will give token support to Tak'Kan..."

Purity standards vote[edit | edit source]

The last vote of the day is the reform of purity standards the church should apply. With The Incubus Emperor defeated, the military necessity of the harsh restrictions is less pressing.

There are two motions brought to the synod, one made by Herin and the other by Kaskia, whoever's motion wins will get a substantial credit for the position of Deputy High Priestess. Herin's plan is focused on lowering the standard for low ranked priestess and increased standing for the lay priestesses, Kaskia's proposal is a removal of all purity checks altogether.

Before the discussion you can talk with few people.

  • Talking with Sarai grants a Yarra Frustration point.
  • If you upgraded Qum's healing kiss before the Ivalan succubi vote Vhala proposes to show it to the synod.
  • If the Yhilin Final state was achieved Yelarel asks to let Andra address the synod (again).
  • You can talk with Herin and give some advice in the proposal and you can nudge her toward more drastic changes.
  • Kaskia asks for a full support of her motion, and she will reciprocate in next votes (she is a sly snake, and will bite if you support her).
  • In the break between the discussion of the motion and the vote, Riala senses a worsening of Ardford's distortion observed in the first day. The party will deal with it after the day's activity.

During the vote Sarai can choose to support one of the motions without spending influence, support Herin over Kaskia paying two influence, or support Kaskia proposal but undermine her for four influence point.

The two proposal scores start at 0, and they go up. This is the first vote that changes the personal scores of Herin and Kaskia, their scores will be relevant in the second (and last) vote of day five, the promotion vote.

Motion Score of the purity standards vote
Speaker Influence score / condition Motion Score Other effect
Herin Herin Talk ON Herin Nudge ON - +2 Herin score
Herin Nudge OFF +2 Herin's Proposal
Herin Talk OFF +2 Herin's Proposal -
Simon Removing Church Diverge ON +2 Kaskia's Proposal -1 Kaskia score
Church Diverge OFF +2 Kaskia's Proposal +1 Kaskia score
Softening Succubi Accepted ON - +2 Herin score
Succubi Accepted OFF +2 Herin's Proposal +1 Herin score
Competitiveness New religion ON +1 Kaskia's Proposal +1 Herin score
New religion OFF +1 Herin's Proposal
Kaskia full support - +2 Kaskia's Proposal Kaskia Deal ON, +2 Kaskia score
Andra - - Andra Spoke 2 ON[32]
Qum + Vhala
(Healing Kiss demonstration)
- - Qum Spoke ON[33], -1 Influence
Nabith Qum Spoke ON - +1 Herin score, +2 Nabith score
Kerannii Andra Spoke 2 ON Kerannii Deal ON +1 Kaskia's Proposal +1 Herin score
Kerannii Deal OFF +1 Herin's Proposal
Andra Spoke 2 OFF +1 Herin's Proposal -
Annah Andra Spoke 2 ON Annah score ≥ 10 - +1 Herin score
≤ 9 +1 Kaskia's Proposal -
Andra Spoke 2 OFF +1 Herin's Proposal -
Esmera Esmera Deal ON +1 Kaskia's Proposal -
Esmera Deal OFF +2 Kaskia's Proposal +2 Kaskia score
Hester Riala Spoke ON[34] +1 Kaskia's Proposal, -1 Herin's Proposal -
Sarai Support Herin's Proposal +1 Herin's Proposal -
Kaskia's Proposal +1 Kaskia's Proposal -
Herin over Kaskia - +1 Herin score, -1 Kaskia score. -2 Influence
Kaskia's proposal but undermine her +2 Kaskia's Proposal -2 Kaskia score, -4 Influence

The winning proposal is decided by directly comparing the proposal scores:

Proposal Scores Consequences
Herin's Kaskia's +3 Herin score, Purity checks remain
< +3 Kaskia score, Purity checks removed, +1 Entity Cohesion[21]

After the vote you can interact with the High Priestesses and guests in Gawnfall, if the Ivalan succubi joined the church[35] and you made a deal with Esmera you can have a touching dialogue with her (it gives a +1 Esmera Score). Sarai will comment on the purity standards vote result (+5 Sarai and +1 Yarra Frustration). You can also talk with Elleani to get +1 Yarra Frustration and ask for her help in one of the two votes of day five: action against the Fucklord or the promotion of Herin or Kaskia. Yelarel will be happy if purity standards are removed (+1 Yelarel score). After talking with everyone, exit from Gawnfall and the party will travel to the Ardford's Tower location and deal with the worst disturbance. There are only two groups of standard roaming Tower monsters (one group has a Inchoate Scythe and 4 Inchoate Eyes, the other includes a Divine Finger and 2 Holy Wisps), but also an interesting dialog if you step between the two crystal pillars at the north end. After smoothing the disturbance Simon will check in with Tyna and discuss the situation, she thanks you and for the help given she can speak in one of the motions scheduled for the next day (Fucklord or Promotion).

Important notice

Even if the purity checks are removed, Sarai will only join the harem if the succubi are accepted or the church diverges. If the succubi are rejected or form a new religion, Sarai will be unable to join until the political/religious situation is more settled.

Day 5[edit | edit source]

In this day, two votes take place. The first will be the help the Church of Ivala can lend in the war against the Fucklord. The other is the promotion of one of the sanctified priestesses to "High Priestess deputy rank".

Fucklord vote[edit | edit source]

In this vote the Church will decide if it will act against the Fucklord and the extent of the preparations, because Simon will be the one bringing the issue to the synod he cannot talk again to sway the synod in one direction or another. You can still talk with Herin, giving some little advice to make her presentation more compelling, and advise her to go full for the motion or think for herself first, i.e. solidifying her position in the synod and acting against Estaven after her promotion (Herin Discouraged ON; this is a separate check from the previous encouragement/discouragement).

Sarai can remain silent, try to influence a High Priestess at cost of one influence point or, for two influence points, talk in Herin's favor or go against Kaskia.

If Simon has given his full support to Kaskia in the last vote of the fourth day she will talk against the motion to gain some personal standing with the synod.

Your starting score for the vote is 0 and you want it to go up.

Motion Score of the Fucklord vote
Speaker Influence score / condition Motion score Other effect
Elleani Help in the Fucklord Vote +2 -
Tyna Help in the Fucklord Vote +2 -
Herin Spoke Herin 2 ON Herin Discouraged ON - +2 Herin score
Herin Discouraged OFF +2 -
Spoke Herin 2 OFF +1 -1 Herin score
Kaskia Kaskia Deal ON -1 +1 Kaskia score
Sarai Influence ... Esmera - +2 Esmera Score, -1 Influence
Kerannii - +2 Kerannii Score, -1 Influence
Annah - +2 Annah score, -1 Influence
Nabith - +2 Nabith score, -1 Influence
For Herin Herin Discouraged ON - +2 Herin score, -2 Influence
Herin Discouraged OFF - +1 Herin score, -2 Influence
Against Kaskia - -2 Kaskia score, -2 Influence
Annah Score ≥ 10 +1 -
9-5 - -
4-1 -1 -
≤ 0 -3 -
Bertricia ≥ 5 +3 -
4-3 +2 -
2-1 +1 -
≤ 0 -1 -
Nabith ≥ 10 +1 -
9-6 - -
5-1 -1 -
≤ 0 -2 -
Kerannii ≥ 14 Kerannii Deal ON +2 -
Kerannii Deal OFF +1 -
13-7 +1 -
6-1 -1 -
≤ 0 -3 -
Hester ≥ 5 +2 -
4-1 +1 -
≤ 0 -1 -
Esmera Esmera Deal ON Score ≥ 10 +4 -
≤ 9 +2 -
Esmera Deal OFF Score ≥ 10 +3 -
9-6 +1 -
≤ 5 -1 -

The final Motion Score and the result are indicated by Hester's summary.

Motion score Result Hester comment
≥ 15 Cooperative Action ON, +4 Religion, Dari +5 "...including large scale holy spells. In addition, we will cooperate..."
14-10 Church Action ON, +2 Religion, Dari +2 "...including large scale holy spells. But we will maintain complete control..."
9-5 Church Action ON, Dari +1 "...should such a thing come to pass. But we will maintain complete control..."
≤ 4 - "...against both the Doom King and this new Incubus King..."

Unsurprisingly, Church Action and Cooperative Action will be helpful in the Erosian War.

Promotion vote[edit | edit source]

The last vote is the promotion of Herin or Kaskia to a new role, with the power of an High Priestess without the formal rank of one. Like some of the votes before there isn't a Motion Score to build, but each High Priestess will cast her vote and she who holds the majority will be promoted. The party's objective is to make Herin win with the highest difference possible, but in this vote you cannot make any interaction with the vote and only hope your preparations will be enough. However make sure to talk with the Zirantian representative in the lodge before the vote.

Some final conditional adjustments to the scores of each candidate:

Candidate adjustments before the promotion vote
Speaker Influence score / condition Effect
Elleani Help in the Promotion Vote +1 Herin score
Tyna Help in the Promotion Vote +2 Herin score
Talked to him before the vote and supported no party in Zirantia +1 Herin score
supported the Old Zirantian League -
Didn't talk to him before the vote +1 Kaskia score
Esmera Kaskia score ≥ 2 +1 Kaskia score
Kerannii Herin score ≥ 5 +1 Herin score
Annah New Religion ON + Annah score ≤ 9 +1 Kaskia score

Then the actual votes:

High priestesses' votes for the candidates
Influence score / condition Vote
Sarai - Herin
Esmera - Kaskia
Kerannii - Herin
Nabith Diverge ON Herin score ≥ 8 Herin
≤ 7 Kaskia
Diverge OFF Herin score ≥ 6 Herin
≤ 5 Kaskia
Annah Succubi Accepted ON Annah score ≥ 10 Herin
≤ 9 Kaskia
Succubi Accepted OFF
+ New Religion OFF
Kaskia score ≤ 2 Herin
≥ 3 Kaskia
New Religion ON Kaskia
Bertricia Diverge ON Herin score ≥ 7 Herin
≤ 6 Kaskia
Diverge OFF Herin score ≥ 5 Herin
≤ 4 Kaskia
Hester Herin score > Kaskia score Herin

There are no abstentions, and Herin's minimum number of received votes are 2, as she always has Sarai's and Kerannii's vote, while Kaskia always has Esmera's vote. The results are:

Votes cast Result Hester comment
Herin Kaskia
≥ 5 ≤ 2 Herin Overwhelming ON, Herin Promoted ON, +1 Social, +1 Religion "Which means that Herin is our new elevated Sanctified Priestess." ... "I'm glad that Herin will have strong backing going forward."
4 3 Herin Promoted ON "Which means that Herin is our new elevated Sanctified Priestess."
3 4 Kaskia Promoted ON, interferes during Eustrin final and hinder Tyna's chances during the Ardan succession crisis finale. "Which means that Kaskia is our new elevated Sanctified Priestess."
2 5 Kaskia Overwhelming ON, Kaskia Promoted ON, -1 Social, -1 Religion, interferes during Eustrin final and hinder Tyna's chances during the Ardan succession crisis finale. "Which means that Kaskia is our new elevated Sanctified Priestess." ... "I'm glad that Kaskia will have strong backing going forward."

After the Promotion vote, in the break before the discussion of the distribution locations of the High Priestesses, talk with Sarai and during the dialogue Riala will interrupt saying the Ardford's Tower balance will go critical soon and without any intervention, demons will breach and overrun the streets. All combat-able members will go with Simon in the Tower to resolve the crisis, and the others will help Sarai with the minor issues brought up in the last two days.

In the familiar Tower island there are two normal roaming enemies (Inchoate Flyer, Scythe, and Insect in one group, 2 Holy Wisps, 1 Divine Finger, 1 Burning Prayer and 1 Sacred Wind in the other) and a static flame with a Reality Leech to defeat, after the big one is down a horde of disturbance are uncovered by Riala and Robin, smoothing all will take a huge amount of time.

Minor issues phase[edit | edit source]

After that, the focus will shift to the members still remaining in Gawnfall and the long small issues list left for the final two days. Orilise will set-up a projection chamber for handling all the topics and deploy the assets the party can call upon, but before that Sarai explains that, as a result of redistribution of High Priestesses, she will move to New Givini. You will also gain some bonus Influence based on the remaining amount.

Influence bonus if ...
Tak'Kan Sarai ON[36] Tak'Kan Sarai OFF
≥ 10 +1 -
9-5 +2 +1
≤ 4 +4 +3

Iris will lead the effort. The first step is talking with everyone and hearing the full list of the topics. There is one of them tied to the path followed earlier: if succubi are accepted Yelarel want create a succubus knight order similar to the Ardoheim holy knights, if the church diverged then many factions will try to gain the control of the Inquisition, if the succubi will create a new religion the new standard of the Church of Ivala can be a huge hindrance to the development of the Chalice States, no issues are available if the succubi are suppressed.

In the Guest chamber you can find Melymyn, the head of the Mother's Guard, making demands to be recognized by the Church, Vera asks for help for more collaboration between the Goddess of Magic cult and the Church and as a reward she offers some high end equipment they can craft with the help of Ivala's Church.

Another problem will arise if Kaskia was promoted, because her scheme can be very damaging. The last of the minor issues is the new Unpeople legion chain of command if the Unpeople vote set New Unpeople ON. The other issues are the mercantile agreement stipulated, easing Aram's iron grip strangling Eustrin, the demands of Melymyn, the Goddess of magic's cult requests for more cooperation, and the lifting of Simon's Ardford ban.

If the purity standards are removed, and the succubi are accepted or the church diverged, Sarai will bring the possibility of accepting the old standards in exchange for some influence. This will block any Sarai sexy times soon, but grant +3 influence and +5 RP with her.[37] In the final issue projection, you can use the remaining influence to gain the upper hand over the topics discussed in the right side of the room, and in the room's left side is the help you have gathered from your allies.

Characters representing issues and the corresponding costs for using your influence (right side of the projection)
Character Problem Condition Influence
Megail Mercantile Agreement Religion score 40 3
20 - 39 4
19 5
Inquisitor[38] Inquisition Leadership - 3
Yelarel[39] Succubus Knight Order Yelarel score ≥ 15 2
7 - 14 3
< 6 4
Spark[40] New Church Standard - 2
Kaskia[41] Kaskia Scheme - 2
Melymyn Mother's Guard Demand - 2
Neranda Eustrin issue normal 3
emphasize 5
Dari[42] Unpeople Leadership - 3
Vera Goddess of Magic request - 3
Tyna Ardford Ban Succubi Accepted ON 1
Church Diverge ON
or New religion ON
Succubi Suppressed ON 3

This list shows the people that can be asked for help and the issues you can deploy them on:

Characters and the issues they can support (left side of the projection)
Character Condition Support
Megail - Mercantile, Eustrin, or Ardford Ban
Orilise - Eustrin or Mother's Guard
Iris - Mercantile, Goddess of Magic, or Yelarel's Succubus Knight Order[43]
Yelarel helps if Succubi Accepted ON and Yelarel score ≥ 3, or if Succubi Accepted OFF Goddess of Magic or Mother's Guard
Lynine - Mother's Guard or Ardford Ban
Trin[44] One copy slot free Kaskia Scheme (will take a copy slot)
Herin Herin Overwhelming ON in the promotion vote Mercantile, Ardford Ban, or Goddess of Magic
Wynn - Goddess of Magic, Succubus Knight Order, or New standard[45]
Esmera Esmera Deal ON Eustrin issue
Kerannii Kerannii Deal ON Eustrin issue
Bertricia Bertricia score ≥ 3 Mother's Guard or Eustrin
Kalant[46] - Yelarel's Succubus Knights Order if succubi are accepted[47], Ardford Ban otherwise
Elleani[48] - Inquisition if the church diverges, Ardford Ban otherwise

After talking with everyone and calling all the help you can, talk to Sarai and the focus will pass to Simon and the combat group, the disturbances are removed, but the party had discovered Alonon's position. They head to him and ask some answers from him about the fundamental working of the world. After the long dialogue the party will return to Gawnfall and hear the result of the issues discussed in the last two days.

Your efforts in resolving each issue as well as some decisions in the past are cumulated into a score that determines the result.

Mercantile issue[edit | edit source]

Condition Score
Disturbance Economy ON[49] +3
Influence used +3
Issue supported by Megail +1
Iris +1
Herin +1
Score result[50] Effect Megail comment
≥ 5 Mercantile Excellent ON[51], +3 Economy, +1 Chalice States, +1 New Givini, +1 Tak'Kan, +5 Megail "We pretty much swept things..."
4-3 Mercantile Good ON[52], +2 Economy, +1 Chalice States, +1 New Givini, +1 Tak'Kan, +2 Megail "Things turned out pretty well."
2-1 - "It's basically a wash, in my view."
0 Mercantile Poor ON[53], -1 Economy "Unfortunately, we had to make some serious concessions."

Eustrin issue[edit | edit source]

Condition Score
normal +3
emphasized +5
Support from Esmera +2
Kerannii +2
Issue supported by Bertricia +1
Megail +1
Orilise +1
Score result[54] Effect Sarai Comment
10 Eustrin Heavy Impact ON, +3 Eustrin, +2 Aram, +9 Neranda, +4 Sarai, +2 Entity Cohesion[21], helps more during Eustrin final. "We pretty much threw everything we could at it, but it worked:..."
9-6 Eustrin Impact ON, +2 Eustrin, +1 Aram, +6 Neranda, +2 Sarai, +1 Entity Cohesion[21], helps during Eustrin final. "We managed to draw some real concessions from Aram."
5-3 +1 Eustrin, +3 Neranda, minor consequence with Eustrin final. "While we didn't have a strong impact, we at least helped Eustrin a little."
≤ 2 Minor consequence with Eustrin final. "Unfortunately, we weren't able to have a meaningful impact."

Ardford Ban issue[edit | edit source]

Condition Score
Influence used +3
Issue supported by Megail +1
Lynine +1
Herin +1
Elleani +1
Kalant +1
Score result Effect Megail comment
≥ 5 Ardford Open ON, +2 Economy, +3 Ardoheim, +2 Arclent Acceptance "Whatever the case, it worked better than expected. "
4-2 Ardford Open ON, +1 Economy, +1 Ardoheim, +1 Arclent Acceptance "Whatever the case, it worked."
≤ 1 - "In any case, it doesn't matter, because we didn't get your ban reversed."

Goddess of Magic issue[edit | edit source]

Condition Score
Disturbance Goddess of Magic ON[55] +3
Influence used +3
Issue supported by Iris +1
Wynn +1
Herin +1
Yelarel Always +1
Yelarel score ≥ 12 +1
Succubi Accepted OFF[56] +1
Score result Effect Iris comment
≥ 7 GoM Gift ON [57], GoM Extra ON[58], +2 Entity Cohesion[21], +8 Mithyn "We granted overwhelming support for her new standards..."
6-4 GoM Gift ON, +1 Entity Cohesion[21], +5 Mithyn "We were able to support her new standards..."
≤ 3 - "However, we weren't able to support her."

Mother's Guard issue[edit | edit source]

Condition Score
Influence used +3
Issue supported by Bertricia +1
Lynine +1
Orilise +1
Yelarel always +1
Yelarel score ≥ 12 +1
Succubi Accepted OFF[56] +1
Score result Effect Lynine Comment
≥ 6 Mother Unlock ON[59], Mother Full Unlock ON[60], Mother Orilise ON,+3 Darghelon, +3 Gheldaron, +2 Social, +5 Lynine, +5 Orilise "Not only did we neutralize their efforts, we forced them to give several concessions..."
5-3 Mother Unlock ON, Mother Orilise ON, +1 Darghelon, +1 Gheldaron, +1 Social, +2 Lynine, +2 Orilise "Not only did we neutralize their efforts, we forced them to give a concession..."
2-1 - "We were able to neutralize their efforts..."
0 -2 Darghelon, -2 Gheldaron "Though they didn't get most of what they wanted, they've succeeded in separating themselves more..."

Inquisition issue[edit | edit source]

Condition Score
Influence used +3
Religion ≥ 35 +1
Issue supported by Elleani +1
Score result Effect Dari Comment
≥ 4 Inquisition Success ON, +2 Religion, +5 Carina "Not only did we stop that, we even pushed back a little!"
3-2 +2 Carina "But don't worry! We fought back..."
≤ 1 Inquisition Problem ON, -2 Religion, -3 Carina "And they succeeded."

New Standard issue[edit | edit source]

Condition Score
Influence used +3
Issue supported by Wynn[61] +1
Score result Effect Sarai Comment
≥ 3 +2 Chalice States, +1 Social "They turned out well in the end, though:..."
2-1 - "The debates were a mess, but I think we prevented..."
0 Standard Problem ON, -2 Chalice States, -1 Social "Sadly, I think the results will have a negative impact..."

Succubus Knight Order issue[edit | edit source]

Condition Score
Yelarel score ≥ 9 +3
8-6 +2
5-3 +1
≤ 2 -
Influence used +3
Issue supported by Kalant +1
Wynn +1
Iris +1
Score result Effect Iris comment
≥ 7 Order Accepted ON, Order Bonus ON, +2 Religion "The Church actually agreed to assist in their creation - more than just nominally."
6-5 Order Accepted ON, +1 Religion "The Church actually agreed to assist in their creation."
4-3 - "Reactions were mixed, but they didn't reject it outright..."
≤ 2 Order Rejected ON, -1 Religion "Unfortunately, her proposal was rejected."

You will be able to fund Succubus Holy Knights in Chapter 5; if the Church agreed to assist, the cost will be reduced by 250,000 ProN. It is unclear what effect if any the Succubus Knights will have in the future.

Additional note on the Kaskia and Unpeople issues[edit | edit source]

If Kaskia was promoted with overwhelming margin, Kaskia Problem ON will be set if you don't spend influence and send Trin's copies to mess with her. If she was promoted for a few votes, one of the two will suffice to stop her.

For the Unpeople, if influence wasn't spent to address the matter, Unpeople Control ON will be set.

I'm disappointed that the outhouse didn't play a critical role in anything.

Gawnfall Orgy[edit | edit source]

In the end of the section, just before the party will come back to the HQ, if the Yarra Frustration variable is ≥ 4 then the "Gawnfall Orgy" scene will be triggered.

Yarra Frustration Effect
≥ 7 +2 Yarra, +2 Qum, +2 Orilise, +2 Iris, +5 Trin, +2 Carina, +2 Uyae, +5 Balia, +1 Entity Cohesion
6-4 +2 Yarra, +2 Qum, +2 Orilise, +2 Iris

With this, this complex section is finished. Back in the real world...

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 During the Erosian crisis, you prioritized the church in Yhilin during the disturbance caused by the Fucklord attack.
  2. This gives +1 support during the Toleration of Succubi vote on day 2.
  3. 3.0 3.1 If Chalice States score is at least 40, there is a succubus in Helvanna who wants to be introduced to Bertricia.
  4. If your IKD Morale was less or equal to 20, then a Skull Throne was gifted to you upon first entering to Helvanna.
  5. Switch Set Talking with the Inquisitor in the Aramite Forest During the Third Arclentian War.
  6. This switch is only active if the Total collateral damage is ≥ 100 at the end of the Third Arclent War.
  7. She has to survive the war and have been recruited in the staff.
  8. Triggered during the New Givini section of the Ardan succession crisis by talking to either Bhakan's guard or the Givini King's aide where Trin will inform Elleani about her powers.
  9. In older versions of the game it was possible to get anywhere from -5 to -16 Elleani. -16 if you copied both Bhakan's guard and the King's aid, -8 if you only copied one, -5 if you copied neither. It is no longer possible to copy either person without also turning Elleani - Trin Convo ON.
  10. No longer possible to trigger in the current version of the game. This switch only existed in older versions.
  11. Talking to Yelarel after this gives up to +1 Yelarel.
  12. Optional, doesn't cost Influence.
  13. If Esmera Deal ON and Simon did not choose Alternate form of Unity, -2 Esmera Score.
  14. Only if total influence is enough to let Iris talk, no penalty if total influence < 2.
  15. It also lowers the cost of the Ivalan Temples investment in the future.
  16. Orcent will be allow to adress the synod if Nabith score ≥ 5, otherwise -2 influence.
  17. This switch is never used in this version (0.39.3).
  18. Effectively, this is a choice between getting her support now, or later during the Succubi Join and Fucklord votes.
  19. Only if total influence is enough to let Riala talk, no penalty if total influence < 2.
  20. Letting Riala speak now also throws Hester's support behind Kaskia's proposal during the Purity Standards vote, which is helpful if you are trying to get Sarai's purity restrictions removed.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 The cohesion of Wendis's mind. Only applied after talking to her once the Council is over.
  22. Only if her RP are ≤ 94, no penality for RP ≥ 95
  23. Technically, this row should be impossible to reach, since refusing Esmera while Esmera Deal 2 ON would have already broken the original deal and set Esmera Deal OFF earlier.
  24. This is the research from the second slate, not "Dari's Condition" from the first slate.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 As of version 0.59, it is unclear what consequences this might have.
  26. This has no effect (outside of the common +1 for Simon speaking) unless you have a deal with her. If you do, it effectively increases the motion score by +3 (see table).
  27. This effectively increases the motion score by anywhere from +1 if you don't have a deal with her and her score prior to this choice is 7 or less up to +4 if you have a deal with her and her score prior to this choice is 8 or more (see table).
  28. This effectively adds +1 to the motion if Annah's score is 7 or less prior to this choice or +3 for an Annah score of 8 or more prior to this choice (see table).
  29. This effectively adds +1 to the motion, with another +2 if you invested in the Ardford Sanitation Guild.
  30. Relevant in the minor issues phase after day 5. Going all in here will refund +1 Sarai influence at the start of the minor issue phase.
  31. In the Fractured church some high priestess like Sarai will give some help to Tak'Kan.
  32. This can shift support from Herin's proposal to Kaskia's for both Annah and Kerannii while also adding to Herin's personal score. See the table for details.
  33. This will influence Nabith towards supporting Herin during the promotion vote, but not her proposal.
  34. The demonstration of sex-purity research during the vote if the Ivalan succubi join the church.
  35. Both Succubi Accepted or Succubi Suppressed.
  36. The switch is turned on if Sarai was Go All In during Tak'Kan Vote.
  37. Sarai Old Standard ON. This switch gives her better leverage in Return to Stineford and Warden of the South, but keeps her from counting as a member of the harem in the Erosian War or Second Gathering.
  38. Only in the Church Diverge scenario.
  39. Only in the Succubi Accepted scenario.
  40. Only in the New Religion scenario.
  41. Only if she was promoted.
  42. Only if New Unpeople will be created.
  43. only if Succubi Accepted.
  44. Only if Kaskia is Promoted.
  45. Only if the New Religion scenario is active.
  46. Talking with him grants +1 Kalant Suitor score.
  47. Grants +1 Kalant Suitor Score
  48. Talking with her grants Elleani +2.
  49. During the Erosian crisis prioritize merchant and noble request
  50. The result will change the amount of ProN received the next iteration.
  51. The Excellent bonus is a bonus of 250k ProN in the next iteration.
  52. The Good bonus is a bonus of 100k ProN in the next iteration.
  53. The Poor penalty implies a deduction of 100k ProN in the next iteration.
  54. For the best result you need to spend 5 influence, and have the support of one Aramite high priestess, Bertricia, Megail and Orilise.
  55. During the Erosian crisis prioritize Goddess of Magic Request.
  56. 56.0 56.1 if they are accepted, her focus is split on pushing for the new succubus order.
  57. The GoM Gift is the "Crystal of Harmony" necessary for Wendis' revival.
  58. The Extra bonus is a trinket, the "Goddess of Magic Charm" which grants resistance to elemental damage, +20 MAG, and + 5 MDEF.
  59. Mother Unlock appears to open up the Forest of the First Root and the previously inaccessible tower in the Northwest area of the Elven forests after the Council. In the tower, you have the option of picking up a "Mother's Pin" item or leaving it. Leaving it grants RP for Lynine and The Mother.
  60. Mother Full Unlock opens up the Potion Hermit's treehouse area for free (negating the 100k ProN bribe otherwise required to access the zone). Once in the zone, players can purchase a Gray Lotus if not acquired it before or in the case they already have it give the Potion Hermit protection from the Mother's interference. Also decreases the cost of the Denmiel Archives From 250,000 to 150,000 if it hasn't been bought yet.
  61. Simon's Anger -5 if Simon's Anger ≥ 0.